Faith-and-climate banners

It's time to let it be known that people of faith care about the policies which could help make our children's climate safer. One effective way to do this is to put up a faith-and-climate banner outside your place of worship. 

We're especially aiming to get as many banners as possible up for the GreenFaith International Faiths 4 Climate Justice Week of Action. Please note the new dates of September 14 to 24. (See the Week of Action web page for the full context.)

The Week of Action gives us a time frame to work towards. So that the media moment is as poignant as possible, we're asking that the banners should go up a few days before (no more than one week) but they could remain up afterwards. Please check out the time line below.

There are lots of things a banner can call for, but the one we are keenest on is 'no more coal and gas projects', to stop public money going to those industries, funding for a fair and orderly transition for workers, and to get behind the calls coming from the Pacific for serious Loss and Damage and climate adaptation finance. 

By having banners all across Australia with a similar design we show that we are unified as a movement, which adds strength to our collective impact. 

We'd love to see these banners up wherever you may be in the country. We want banners everywhere.

Banner designs

You can always design your own banner. However we have banner designs that are congruent with what the climate movement is calling for at this time. These comprise two kinds of messages. 

Part one - a faith message

This is why you're calling for climate action.

Please one of the following:

  • Protect Creation
  • For the sake of all beings
  • Restore sacred balance
  • Love our Pacific Neighbours

Part two - what you're asking for

Please select one of these:

  • No more coal & gas
  • No more gas
  • No new coal & gas
  • No new gas
  • No public money for coal & gas
  • Climate finance for island nations
  • Fossil Fuel Treaty now

Please note: we now have a recommended option for Queensland and the Hunter Valley and which you may also wish to consider if you live in another part of the country where there are many coal and gas communities. This option emphasises making the shift to clean energy in a way that is just. The wording here that we suggest is:

No one left behind
Good jobs in clean energy


What does the final result look like?

You'd end up with a banner saying, for example (2m x 1m):


or 3m x 1m:

How to design and order your banner

Please fill out the form below. You will then receive an email explaining how to design and order your banner. This will include a link to an online folder with all of our designs. 

Please note that the form is NOT an ordering process itself, but allows us to know who is ordering one. A template with your chosen design will be sent to you, along with an outline of how you order from Easy Signs.  


How much do the banners cost?

They usually cost $137.50. The banners are sometimes available on sale at a reduced price. 


Proposed timeline & amplifying the impact

The Week of Action gives us a time frame to work towards. 

In the lead-up to the Week of Action, we’re asking communities intending to display a banner to to hold a service dedicated to prayer for a safe climate, during which your Minister/Rabbi/Imam/Teacher could give a sermon on the issues.

So that the media moment is as poignant as possible, we're asking that the banners should go up a few days before (no more than one week) but they could remain up afterwards.

When the banner is up, you could invite your local MP to an event to bless the banner.

You could take a photo of it with some members of your congregation and send the photo with a message to your local MP. You could post the photo on Facebook and tag your MP so he or she sees it.

During the Week of Action, we’d like you to ask members of your congregation to attend an open-air service at a Cathedral or other iconic place of worship near you, where they are blessing a very large banner and faith leaders are speaking to the media.

Starting during the Week of Action and in the weeks afterwards, we're asking as many people of faith as possible, potentially in groups, to write letters to the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Federal Opposition. More details to come but we're encouraging you to ask for the policy changes that will mean a rapid phase-out of our dependence on coal and gas and a move towards a fair and sustainable future. 

In the lead-up to the 2025 Federal Election, we're keen to see the banners displayed again. Our suggested banners are nonpartisan.